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Free Web Design Proposal Template for Freelance Designers

Wait, What!

The Website Proposal Template is a Presentation, not a Word or PDF document

That’s right, the format of this website proposal template is a Google Presentation, and there is a very good reason to do it that way.

When I did the 10K Bootcamp with uGurus, which is a prehistoric version of uacademy, one of the commanments was; You shall not just email proposals.

Always Present the Web Design Proposal to the Prospect

After I stopped emailing proposals to the clients and started presenting them, my conversion rate increased dramatically.

Also, most web designers who were doing the training with experience a significant conversion rate improvement.

Considering all proposal are now presented instead of sent, it makes sense to use a Presentation format for the Web Design Proposal.

Download for Free this Web Design Proposal Template

This is the exact same format we’ve been using since 2018 and it has given us great results. I hope you find it useful and help you land your next client.

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