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How to center elements on the last row in CSS Grid?

If you are looking for a quick answer to center elements in the last row of CSS Grid, use the codepen below.

Getting here wasn’t a straight forward process. Read below if you want to learn in depth how this code works, how to expand this solution and how I got here.

See the Pen Untitled by Koala Widgets (@koalawidgets) on CodePen.

Defining the desired layout

For a while, I’ve been searching for a flexible layout that meets these criteria:

  • The elements should have a flexible width
  • The last row should be centered
  • It should be easy to edit, so it’s a copy/paste process to use in other projects
  • All the elements should have the same width
  • All the elements in the same row should have the same height
  • The number of columns should change automatically, according to the screen width
  • The solution should work for any number of elements
  • There should be a gap between the elements
  • The solution should be achievable with CSS. Meaning, no Javascript.
  • The elements should use the full width of the wrapper
Desired layout after centering elements on the last row in CSS Grid

The right time to find a solution to center the last row elements in a grid using CSS

In the past, I settled for solutions that don’t meet all my criteria, however, with the current state of CSS, I thought it must be possible.

There is Hope

My CSS mentor Kevin Powell recently did a live YouTube responsive layouts workshop. If there is someone who knows how to achieve this, that is Kev.

At some point in the video 1:50:55, Kev had a grid on his screen and somebody asked to center the last row elements.

His response was both dissapointing and hopeful; “That’s something I wouldn’t be able to do with grid… I wouldn’t use grid, in that case I would use flexbox“.

This got me started on a quest to find a solution using flexbox.

The YOOTheme approach that works

Since we are using the page builder YOOTheme Pro in this website, we can easily use the editor to add a Grid, and configure the settings to achieve the desired result.


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At first sight, this grid meets all the criteria, so let’s start by looking at the source code. You are welcome to inspect it in your browser as well.

This is the HTML when there are 4 columns showing.

Code used by Yootheme Pro to center elements on the last row in CSS Grid

The main code to achieve this is a simple flexbox that justifies the content in the centre.

Code used by Yootheme Pro to center elements on the last row using flexbox

Flexbox is also allowing all the items in the same row to have the same height.

Then, they use percentages to control the column width based on the screen size, so there is a fair bit of code behind this, which is totally fine.

Also, for the gap between the elements, they are using a left padding on the elements, and a negative padding on the wrapper, to even out the first element of each row.

Media queries example

In conclusion, this is a good approach and I would just need to define the number of columns according to the screen width as I did in the settings of YOOTheme Pro.

However, it is not as portable as I would like, because I would need to pre-define break points for the media queries, which may be different in other projects.

Also, telling the number of columns in various screen sizes, is not as elegant as simply defining the minimun size of the items.

So, here’s my quest to find such solution:

Looking for a simpler flexbox solution to center elements in the last row

Using flexbox by default almost worked perfectly, except for the last column, that stretched the item to take the full width of the row.

Attempt 1 to center elements in the last row using flexbox

The solution for this is simple, just use


Attempt 2 to center elements in the last row using flexbox
While this centers the items neatly, the items in the first columns are not using 100% of the wrapper width, which doesn’t meet the criteria.
I’m out of ideas using flexbox, all roads take me to the Yootheme Pro approach, so I started exploring the Grid option.

Exploring Grid

Grid by default meets all my criteria, except centering the elements in the last row, so if I can solve that somehow, the job is done.

Luckily, I came across the article Controlling Leftover Grid Items with Pseudo-selectors where the author finds a solution to center elements in the last row of grid.

This is a very clever solution, just assign 2 cells to every item, then move the item in the last row to the desired position.

Their article uses a 3 column layout and explains how to achieve the result when there are 1 or 2 items in the last row.

Centering the elements

2 Column Layouts

2 column CSS grid with item in the last row centered

In the image above, the last item is targetted in CSS, by selecting the last element, that is also an odd number. Keep in mind, that another way to say “odd numbers” is by selecting the multiples of 2, then adding a unit to it: 2n + 1.

Then, we just tell this item to end in line #4. As you can see in the image, lines are placed at the beginning at the end and at the gaps.

.item:last-child:nth-child(2n + 1){
That’s all we need to do when there are 2 columns, but when there are 3 columns the solution is a bit different.

3 Column Layouts

3 column CSS grid with item in the last row centered
When there is only 1 item in the last row, we need to select the last element that also follows the sequence 4, 7, 10, 13… In other words multiples of 3 but adding a unit to it: 3n+1. And tell it to finish in line #5.
.item:last-child:nth-child(3n + 1){
    grid-column-end: 5;

When there are 2 item in the last row, we need to select the second last element that also follows the sequence 4, 7, 10, 13… And tell it to finish in line #4.

3 column CSS grid with 2 items in the last row centered

.item:nth-last-child(2):nth-child(3n + 1){
    grid-column-end: 4;

Then, the actual last item will be automatically placed in the right spot as it remains next to the second last.

Now that we’ve done it with 2 and 3 columns, you get the idea. In my final solution I also did 4, 5 and 6 columns, but you can keep going if you need to.

Determining the number of columns

You may be wondering, what’s the point of adding all the code for various numbers of columns, if we still don’t know the number of columns to use.
Well, to determine the number of columns, we need to define the width of the items, and remember, we want to achieve a layout that allows for elements with variable width.

So let’s start by defining a couple of variables:

  • Item width
  • Grid gap


In order to make this code portable between projects, I created these values as variables, so they can be easily edited in one place.
Now, let’s define the item, so it occupies 2 columns in the grid.
  grid-column: span 2;
Now, let’s define the grid.
  display: grid;
  grid-gap: var(--grid-gap);
  /* Defining the columns */
  grid-template-columns: repeat(
        calc((var(--min-width) - var(--grid-gap))/2),
        calc((100% - var(--grid-gap)) / 2)
  /* Setting up the container for the queries */
  container: grid-wrapper / inline-size;
  /* Optional */
  max-width:calc(var(--min-width)*6 + var(--grid-gap)*5);

To understand what we are doing here, I’m assuming that you understand how display:grid; works, so the display and grid-gap attributes should be self-explanatory. If not, you can check these great videos on Grid.

The tricky line to understand is grid-template-columns. We are using repeat to define the columns. Repeat has 2 arguments:

grid-template-columns: repeat(

The first argument defines the number of times that the track list should be repeated. We’ve used auto-fit in this case which automatically adjust the number of repetitions to the largest possible number that doesn’t cause the grid to overflow.

The second argument is using a minmax() function, where we define the minimum and maximum width of our columns, but remember, our items occupy 2 columns + a gap.

The math behind the width of the columns

Let’s start by explaining the first argument of the minmax(), which defines the minimum width.

Do you remember we defined the min-width of the elements as a variable? Let’s use the defined values as examples for our grid.

Since the minimum width of our items is 200px, and each item is occupying 2 columns in the grid, it means that the minimum widht of the grid column is 90px, because every item will occupy 2 columns + 1 gap: 90px + 20px + 90px = 200px.
Which explains this calculation, for the minimum width of the grid column:
calc((var(--min-width) - var(--grid-gap))/2)

But, what if the user is using a super narrow phone? Well, in that case, we want the minimum width of the item to be 100% to prevent horizontal scrolling. Since the item is occupying 2 columns, we get: X% + 20px + X% = 100%, which explains the following calculation:

calc((100% - var(--grid-gap)) / 2)<br />

Now, we put those two calculations as arguments inside the function min(), which will automatically select the smallest of the two, and that’s the first argument of our minmax().

  calc((var(--min-width) - var(--grid-gap))/2),
  calc((100% - var(--grid-gap)) / 2)

The second argument of our minmax() is the maximum widht, which we’ve defined as 1fr, which represents a “fraction” of the available space in the grid container. 

A solution ahead of its time

Now, it’s time to use container queries to determine the number of columns. Let’s start with 2 column layouts.

/* 2 Column Layouts */
@container grid-wrapper (min-width: calc(var(--min-width)*2 + var(--grid-gap))) and (max-width: calc(var(--min-width)*3 + var(--grid-gap)*2)) {
  /* Dealing with 1 orphan item */
  .item:last-child:nth-child(2n + 1){
    grid-column-end: 4;

In this container query, we are targetting a min-width that just allows for 2 items to display side by side, and a max-width just before 3 items are displayed in the same row.

Unfortunately, CSS variables don’t work in media queries or container queries, so the code you just saw above won’t work, unfortunately. For now, I have to manually edit this to give fixed values that match our variables var(–min-width) and var(–grid-gap).

Having said that. I’m writing for example 200px*2 instead of 400px, so it’s quick to replace.

/* 2 Column Layouts */
@container grid-wrapper (min-width: calc(200px*2 + 20px)) and (max-width: calc(200px*3 + 20px*2)) {
  /* Dealing with 1 orphan item */
  .item:last-child:nth-child(2n + 1){
    grid-column-end: 4;
Then, I repeated the same process, using container queries for 3, 4, 5 and 6 columns.

Final details

You may have noticed the following unexplained line in our wrapper CSS code:
/* Optional */
max-width:calc(var(--min-width)*6 + var(--grid-gap)*5);
We are giving our wrapper a max-width, big enough to show 6 items per row, but in this particular case we don’t want it any bigger, because we only did container queries up to 6 column layouts.
In the final code, you may notice the use of outlines, which we’ve used only to see the wrapper and items in the screen without affecting the width/height of the elements.

A future ready solution

In the future, we may be surprised by new CSS Grid features, for example something like.
Or maybe, media and container queries will start to work with CSS variables.
Either way, this code is ready to be addapted for these changes without having to change much.

The final solution to center elements on the last row in CSS Grid

This is the same CodePen you saw at the beginning of this article.

See the Pen Centering last row with CSS Grid by Koala Widgets (@koalawidgets) on CodePen.

Written by

Pablo A Santamaria

Entrepreneur & developer with a passion for CSS & SaaS. CoFounder of Koala Widgets.